2012年7月17日 星期二

派糖利民須適可而止 實踐變革仍未見端倪


派糖利民須適可而止 實踐變革仍未見端倪

【明報專訊】特首梁振英藉首次出席立法會答問會, 兌現幾項競選政綱承諾,推出包括長者生活津貼計劃 等民生政策措施,在問責團隊頻爆醜聞、新政府開局 焦頭爛額之際,梁振英希望藉此穩住大局,可以理 解;不過,他因為寓所僭建誠信備受質疑和對維護香 港核心價值的取態,仍然予人不夠坦誠的感覺,梁振 英必須切實改進。另外,梁振英在劣勢下反超唐英 年,勝出特首選舉,一個重要原因是他予人可為香港 帶來變革,不少港人期望梁振英和新政府實踐變革承 諾,而非走單靠小恩小惠籠絡民心的老路。



梁振英甫宣誓就職,即面對數以十萬計市民遊行,要 求他下台是其中一個主要訴求,他的寓所僭建、誠信 問題至今未解決,政府架構改組落實無期,更有麥齊 光就任局長僅12日,就因為26年前與同僚互租住所、 互賣單位涉嫌觸犯防賄條例,被廉政公署拘捕而辭 職。梁班子與先前兩名特首董建華和曾蔭權上任時比 較,未享受過一日蜜月期,開局形勢嚴峻,在這種情 下,梁振英上任半月即推出利民政策措施,在政治上 是唯一選擇。

開局舉步維艱,梁振英未待10月首份施政報告,已經 要派糖穩住局面,則未來5年,梁振英政府會否走曾 蔭權政府的老路,靠不斷派糖來維持民望和管治,值 得關注。曾蔭權政府派糖,總共耗費了約2000億元, 但是香港社會並未因此往上提升,反而是民怨日亟的 向下沉淪,梁振英政府要汲取這個教訓,切勿重蹈覆 轍。

政府照顧弱勢社群乃應有之義,不過,政府只應幫助 真正有需要的貧困者,不能隨民粹起舞。例如梁振英 宣布設立的長者生活津貼計劃,合資格長者可申領加 倍生果金至2200元,即是說申領長者要通過資產審 查,這是必需和合理安排。不過,近日有政客鼓動長 者,要求生活津貼加至3000元,又有人認為不應該有 資產審查,昨日更有議員向梁振英提出,增加不合資 格申領生活津貼長者的生果金等,總之,只懂得要求 派糖的政客毫無責任政治概念,9月立法會選舉在 即,他們為了選票,相信會有更多人向政府提出各式 各樣要求,梁振英政府必須堅持「只幫助有需要的貧 困者」的原則立場,不應向民粹低頭,否則將為香港 埋下禍根,後患無窮。歐洲一些揮霍過度的國家,現 在債務纏身,引致社會動盪,值得殷鑑。

至於梁振英昨日宣布的兩項房屋政策,即每年容許 5000名符合白表資格人士,在居屋第二市場購買未補 價居屋單位,另外政府全數資助非政府機構興建青年 宿舍,首輪目標是提供3000個單位。梁振英的政綱, 土地房屋政策是重中之重,以此為紓解社會深層次矛 盾的主要手段,白表人士購未補價居屋和青年宿舍, 只屬梁振英整體土地房屋政策的前菜,最重要的長遠 增加土地供應和增建公屋,才是主菜,不過,主理土 地政策的麥齊光已經辭職,梁振英要盡快物色恰當人 選接替,勿讓相關政策蹉跎。



梁班子備受醜聞困擾,梁振英昨日仍能推出幾項利民 政策措施,算是有所交代,不過,他在僭建和捍衛核 心價值方面,回答議員提問的說法未能使人滿意。就 僭建問題,梁振英說已委請專業團隊全面勘察和研 究,以便他可以一次過全面回覆;另外,由於僭建涉 及司法程序,他不適宜公開評論云云。我們認為,梁 振英因為僭建而誠信受質疑,對他和政府所受到損害 相當嚴重,梁振英必須盡早交代詳情,否則就像一條 刺,不但揮之不去,而且使得整體社會不舒服。

另外,梁振英於政治問題,不若他談政策事務的實 在,總讓人覺得比較虛,因此,不少人對他有戒心。 雖然,梁振英一再表示維護法治、廉潔、自由、民主 等核心價值,但是就具體問題,他都顯得左閃右避。 例如李旺陽事件,對於湖南當局的死因調查報告,他 以不適宜評論為由,拒絕透露是否接受有關李旺陽自 殺的結論。「一國兩制」之下,梁振英和特區官員不 公開評論內地地方事務,有一定道理,因為若出現雙 向局面,其他地方領導也公開評論香港事務,則在政 治上會產生什麼效果,值得探討。不過,即使梁振英 不公開評論李旺陽事件,但是本港主流民意對湖南當 局的死因報告,認為不可信,則梁振英公開說「我會 向中央反映市民對事態的看法和意見」,看不到有何 不可。

梁振英是特首,就一些事情不能暢所欲言,可以理 解,不過,特首是香港特區之首,也是港人,若特首 在感情上,未能讓人感到他與港人同呼吸,令人覺得 特首並不是港人,則這樣的特首,不可能得到大多數 港人認同和支持。梁振英在捍衛核心價值的表現上, 不應該讓人有「並非港人」的感覺,他應該反思和調 整,改變自外於港人的言行和身段。

歡迎回應 editorial@mingpao.com

MingPao 2.4 Coded by ManInNet

2012年7月9日 星期一

男童遭電梯扯斷右腿 駁回短了五厘米

駁回短了五厘米 4,200 

扯斷男童右腿的扶手電梯。 互聯網


FruitDaily 2.0 Code by ManInNet

2012年7月5日 星期四

$3,000 pensions call as poll finds `serious' poverty

$3,000 pensions call as poll finds `serious' poverty

Choya Choi 

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

A concern group wants the introduction of a HK$3,000 monthly pension for those over 65.

The call comes after a poll showing that 17 out of every 20 respondents believe poverty among the elderly is "serious or very serious."

In addition, four in every five are "not or definitely not confident" of being able to enjoy retirement on their MPF money.

The Alliance for Universal Pension said the findings are the result of telephone interviews with 1,032 people between June 5-12.

Alliance organizer Au Yeung Kwun-tung said more than 85percent of respondents feel the current level of poverty among the elderly is serious or very serious, and 65.6percent believe the "elderly Comprehensive Social Security Assistance" cannot resolve the problem.

Among the working group, more than 80percent said they are "not confident" or "definitely not confident" they will be able to rely on the MPF and personal savings for their daily needs and health- care expenses when they retire.

Au Yeung said the new government should give retirement protection a high priority in order to alleviate poverty.

"According to a survey we did after last year's policy address, more than one-third of the elderly live in poverty," he added.

"The elderly poor are likely to be the cause of social conflicts in Hong Kong."

Au Yeung said the means- tested special old age allowance of HK$2,200 a month proposed by Chief Executive Leung Chun- ying during his election campaign may only be used as a transitional measure towards an ultimate system of universal pension.

"More than 163,000 elderly are unable to apply for the elderly CSSA because of means-testing. The government ought to review its current rationale of means- tests," Au Yeung said.

"In the long run, the government must establish a universally covered retirement protection system - we urge a universal pension of HK$3,000 a month for everyone over 65."

Alliance consultant Lee Kim- ming said the fact that 89.3percent of respondents support a universal pension scheme challenges a statement by the former chief executive, Donald Tsang Yam- kuen, that there is no consensus on the matter.

"This is a very strong figure. We urge the new government to set a committee or a department to study whether it is feasible to establish a universal pension system," Lee said.

Au Yeung said the alliance expects the new government to draft proposals on a universal pension scheme within the next five years.

China clamps down on shark fin

China clamps down on shark fin

Alvina Hung and Mary Ann Benitez 

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Shark fin is going off menus at official banquets in the mainland by order of national leaders.

While the move will make the stomachs of some tradition-bound officials rumble, activists in Hong Kong applauded a decision that could save many types of shark from extinction.

The news came from the Government Officers Administration of the State Council, though officials admitted the ban could need three years to take hold.

But as CNN noted on responses to the action, it will "help cut the cost of sometimes lavish banquets."

As activists here also worry that it could take quite a while for the ban to take effect across the mainland, they are calling on Chief Executive Leung Chun- ying to take a firm cue from Beijing and step up efforts to halt the SAR's still- flourishing trade in shark fin as well as its consumption.

In fact, efforts are already under way.

Hong Kong Shark Foundation program director Bertha Lo Ka-yan said the word is that shark fin soup is no longer served at SAR functions. If this was announced publicly, she said, it would set a good example.

"The CE's Office contacted us and said Leung was also concerned about the issue of environmental protection," Lo said.

In the longer term, she added, the hope is for legislation to ban the sale and possession of shark fins in Hong Kong.

Officials in Hong Kong's Environmental Protection Department, meanwhile, said menus for official functions do not usually include shark fin - though they did not make it clear that this was solely meant to save the big fish. Shark fin was off the menu to avoid giving impressions of extravagance with public money, they said.

Up to 73 million sharks are killed each year, according to a 2006 estimate quoted by the Hong Kong Shark Foundation. And the World Wildlife Fund has said that 181 species of shark are under threat compared to 15 species in 1996,.

Shockingly, many sharks that are caught have their fins hacked off and then dead or dying creatures are thrown back into the sea.

The WWF's Hong Kong director, Andy Cornish, believes the Hong Kong government can do more to restrict shark fin sales in the SAR than just following China's plan.

It was "avoiding the topic" of trade in shark fin, he said.

Still, Cornish also said the ban in the mainland shows China is showing global leadership on the issue, reckoning that the leadership would do a "pretty decent job" within the three years.

With shark fin soup a traditional and top-line dish served in Chinese cuisine, the total consumption for the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan is 95 percent of the world's dried shark fins. And in 2009 Hong Kong people consumed more than 9,300 tonnes of fins.

Hong Kong is one of the world's largest trading centers for shark fin. From 70 to 80 percent of dried shark fin arriving here is sent on to the mainland and other places.

Besides moves to take shark fin off menus at government functions, hotels and restaurants in Hong Kong have acted too. More than 97 have joined the WWF's "Alternative Shark-free Menu Program" since 2010.

And Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels has this year stopped serving shark fin at all its properties.