2011年12月27日 星期二

創世紀列車 聖誕日亮相. 時速 600公里

600km/h棺材車 網民面都青

中國地上長征火箭 時速 600公里
創世紀列車 聖誕日亮相


【本報訊】廣深高鐵開通之日,內地披露成功研製出更新更高速的火車。新型火車時速可逾每小時 500公里,甚至會達時速 600公里,創造世界紀錄;其時速、造型及用料都是中國最新、最時尚和最快的輪軌火車,但無透露實際研發開支。消息引發內地輿論爭議。

該高速新火車還要做靜態系統匹配調試等,最後才能到高鐵線上試驗。專家透露列車的運行時速將會遠遠超出每小時 500公里,甚至有可能打破法國子彈火車創造的每小時 574.8公里的世界紀錄,創造新的世界輪軌火車時速紀錄。列車的牽引總功率達 22,800千瓦,比現京滬高鐵動車( CRH380A)牽引總功率 9,600千瓦大一倍半。惟當局直言該新型火車僅供試驗,不會營運。


列車車輪在時速 600公里下運行,安全性受考驗。




法國子彈火車。 資料圖片



中國著名機車車輛動力學專家沈志雲表示,中國研發時速超過 500公里的超高速輪軌火車已不是問題,試驗最高時速甚至達到 600公里。按目前條件,時速超過 400公里的火車不可能實現商業營運,研發目的是為高速列車安全性、舒適性及環保節能等作相應貢獻,並驗證中國研發高速列車的能力。
火車分輪軌和磁懸浮兩類,磁懸浮可達時速 500至 600公里,目前商業營運不多;輪軌火車雖創下 574.8公里紀錄,但商業運營多在 300公里左右。內地有專家指高速列車的研究方向應在安全可靠性,而不是速度。有網民更炮轟:「溫州動車事故幾十條生命剛逝去,高鐵安全未過關,又去追求更高速,嚇死人!」


時速:可達 600公里
動力:列車牽引總功率達 22,800千瓦(現京滬高鐵動車功率 9,600千瓦)



法國子彈火車( TGV): 574.8km/h( 2007年)
中國最新高速火車:逾 500km/h(待驗證)
中國京滬高鐵: 487.3km/h( 2011年 1月)
日本新幹線: 443km/h( 1996年)
德國子彈火車( ICE): 406km/h( 1988年)



中國鐵道部曾強調中國高速動車的關鍵技術,都有自主知識產權,絕大部份配件已國產化,目前只有車輪、車軸等配件沒實現國產化,目前正由馬鋼和首鋼等企業研發。官方稱,中國高速動車組不久後將實現 100%國產化。

時速可達 600公里的新列車設計,靈感源於中國兵器─劍。 互聯網

如何用 iPhone 在新加坡 3G 上網

如何用 iPhone 在新加坡 3G 上網

在新加坡要 3G 上網買當地的電話卡是最方便的,雖然各家電信都有新加坡的漫遊方案,但還是在當地買會比較便宜。機場三個航廈一出來都有賣,就在照片的最右邊,不用另外再去找電信商店買。
櫃台長這樣,上面有 Prepaid Mobile cards,很好認,就是最右邊的。她們的語言是英文,運氣好的話,也許會遇到會說中文的,只要說你要買手機上網的卡就可以。不會說也沒關係,桌上都有圖可以點。
卡有三種,50元的是可以打電話的,下面18元的可以讓你用三天無限 3G 上網。但如果是iPhone 4的話,就要買最下面,才有 microSIM 卡,20元有 1GB 的流量可以使用,不管是哪一個,都很划算。要注意的是,下面兩種只能上網,不能打電話。
她們會裝一個描述檔,之後就會給你試看看能不能上網,可以就搞定,不行的話會退你錢。我的 iPhone 4 升到 iOS 5,結果小姐怎麼也設不起來,後來說是我升系統的關係,就退我錢了。不過看她們熟練的程度來看,iOS 4以下的應該沒有問題的。爬了一下文,Android 手機也是可以,反正只要把手機丟給她們,就會幫你搞定。

2011年12月9日 星期五

'Record-breaking' chilli is hot news

'Record-breaking' chilli is hot news

ChilliThe Infinity Chilli, now a record breaker.

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Experts have pronounced a chilli grown in the market town of Grantham, Lincs, as the hottest in the world.

Tests have revealed the "Infinity Chilli" to have a Scoville Scale Rating of 1,176,182 - hotter than chilli reportedly used in hand grenades by the Indian military. But what is the attraction of this insanely hot ingredient?

The story of the world's hottest chilli begins not in Mexico or Bangladesh, but next to the barbed wire at RAF Cottesmore in Rutland.

Nick Woods, working shifts as an RAF security guard and considering his growing family, decided he had to do something more entrepreneurial with his life.

That was five years ago. What was Nick's hobby - cooking up hot sauces in his kitchen - developed into his Fire Foods sauce business, and now the 38-year-old Grantham man finds himself literally in possession of hot property.

Like many great discoveries Nick says he developed the Infinity Chilli accidentally.

Start Quote

Nick Woods

I knew as soon as I saw it in the polytunnel”

Nick WoodsFire Foods

"There are 4,000 different varieties of chilli," he explains, "and they're really easy to cross.

"I knew as soon as I saw it in the polytunnel. It stood out, and when I dissected it I could tell by the skin tissue and the seeds that it was a hot one."

Technically the chilli is not a vegetable but a fruit, from the plant genus"Capsicum".

The heat comes from the substance "capsaicin" which is found in all chillies. The attraction of it lies in the way it livens up our foods and makes the body produce pleasurable endorphins afterwards.

Graphic of scale of various chilli in order of spiciness

The chilli fire is measured by the Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) designed by American chemist Wilbur Scoville in 1912.

To put the Grantham chilli in context, a Jalapeno can score anything between 2,500 to 8,000 SHU on this scale.

The Bhut Jolokia chilli weighs in at just over 800,000 SHU. The Indian military are reported to have developed a counter-terrorism hand grenade which uses it as an ingredient to immobilise their adversaries.

But Grantham's Infinity Chilli has scored 1,176,182 SHU in a test done last year by Andrew Jukes, a scientist at the University of Warwick's Crop Centre.

Bigger and better

It's boom time for the chilli, because Britain's taste buds are thoroughly globalised. Many of us get used to curries and other hot snacks at college. Now the experts say we're looking for bigger and better chilli-based thrills in the kitchen.

Cookery writer Michael Michaud runs an online chilli supply firm and was responsible for the development of the "Dorset Naga", until recently one of the hottest known chillies in existence.

ChilliesChillies appeal to our globalised tastes

"It's a versatile spice," he says.

"And the vast majority of British people have been eating chillies, and have been for years, because almost every high street has an Indian restaurant.

"But I think people are growing and cooking with them more. And now it's a bit like an arms race, with a macho culture going on, you know, I can eat one that's hotter, and so on.

"And trying to grow the hottest one can also get obsessive."

But the British attraction to the chilli is more than simply a yearning for the burn.

There's evidence our palates are becoming more sophisticated as our exposure to it lengthens.

"When Indian restaurants first arrived in the UK... they'd just use the one kind of chilli powder," remembers Manoj Vasaikar, head chef at the well-regarded West London chain of Indian Zing restaurants.

"Now it's much more subtle and we're using chillies with lots of different tastes and textures. We don't try to overpower the food."


Despite the obvious immediate discomfort - not to say total agony - that comes from eating the hottest of peppers, doctors are yet to notice any lasting ill effects from them.

In fact it's thought they could play a valuable part in pain relief and there are reports of them being used to help people undergoing chemotherapy.

Earlier this week Nick Woods decided to try one of his Infinity Chillies.

"I actually ate one yesterday. It was one I'd had frozen from last year - so I thought it wouldn't be as hot as if it was fresh - and I thought I'd try it.

"It was all a bit worrying. The burn on my tongue lasted half an hour and the effects went on and on. At one point I was doubled over in pain and thinking about ringing the hospital.

"The worst was over by 11 o'clock, but it wasn't funny."

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